Our Pledge

Our pledge is to care for those that are caring for us. Those that are risking their health every day to ensure that we get through this pandemic. Unfortunately there are a lot of people trying to take advantage of the situation and profit off of this crisis. We’re pledging to make our certified hand sanitizer available to those who need it to ensure they have what they need to keep themselves and their families safe as they work to keep the rest of us healthy.

Unfortunately we cannot meet the demand for invidual orders right now, but we’re working on to scaling so we can do so. In the meantime we are working with the first responder organizations and help them to get it distributed to the men and women putting their health at risk and their families. We are all in this together.


Doctors and Nurses

You have been putting your health on the line to ensure those of us that have gotten sick are cared for. Our pledge is to make sure you and your family are not in the fight alone. If you need hand sanitizer, we’ll make sure to get it to you. It’s as simple as that.

Please have your hospital or clinic reach out about how we can support everyone who works there.

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Police, Fire, and EMTs

Yours jobs are difficult without accounting for Covid-19, and in these tough times you’ve stepped up to help keep America safe. We applaud you. If you need help getting hand sanitizer, look no further. We’ll ensure you and your family has enough to keep you safe and healthy.

Please have your station reach out to us about how we can get everyone there gets the sanitizer they need.

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National Guard

When America needs you the most, you answer the call. For all your neighbors, friends, and others that you have helped, we thank you. While you’re helping America, let us help your family.

Please have your platoon or company commander reach out to us about how they can get what you need.